Arquivo de ‘Artigos’

Our public health system is a jewel. Can it survive four years of recklessness?

Some Brazilian conservatives see the presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro as representative of everything they value. They should look closer. The New York Times Oct 24, 2018 by Vanessa Barbara Contributing Opinion Op-ed Writer SÃO PAULO, Brazil — For a liberal woman like me, it’s hard to understand why anyone would vote for a presidential candidate […]

Le1 (France) 3 Octobre 2018 Vanessa Barbara J’AI UN NEVEU DE 8 ANS qui s’appelle Augusto. Comme tous les neveux de 8 ans, un de ses principaux passe-temps est de casser des choses : des roues de petites voitures, des lampes torches, un arbre de Noël, un bras de superhéros qu’il a jeté du haut […]

Brazilian presidential politics have spiraled into chaos. What’s a voter to do? The New York Times Oct 2., 2018 by Vanessa Barbara Contributing Opinion Op-ed Writer Leer en español SÃO PAULO, Brazil — Last month, just a few weeks before voting day, Cabo Daciolo announced a new strategy for the presidential elections here: He would spend 21 days […]

The New York Times Aug. 28, 2018 by Vanessa Barbara Contributing Opinion Op-ed Writer SÃO PAULO, Brazil — It takes determination to have a normal childbirth in Brazil, and I’m not talking about just getting through labor. My country has one of the highest rates of cesarean sections in the world: In 2015, they accounted […]

The New York Times June 18, 2018 by Vanessa Barbara Contributing Opinion Op-ed Writer SÃO PAULO, Brazil — Brazil becomes an odd place during the World Cup. People are given time off from work when the national team is playing, so that they can go home and blow horns for three hours straight. Media coverage […]

  The New York Review of Books (Daily) June 15, 2018 by Vanessa Barbara Every four years, Brazil is transformed by a sportive Midas touch that turns everything into apolitical emptiness. It sweeps our country with a force almost too strong to resist. We puff up our chests and recall that we are the only […]

  The New York Times May 22, 2018 by Vanessa Barbara Contributing Op-Ed Writer SÃO PAULO, Brazil — More than two months have passed since the assassination of Marielle Franco, a human rights defender who was a member of Rio’s City Council. But the killing remains unsolved. The most probable hypothesis, according to Brazil’s public security […]

The New York Times March 28, 2018 by Vanessa Barbara Contributing Op-Ed Writer SÃO PAULO, Brazil — It has been more than a month since Brazil’s Army took control of public security in the state of Rio de Janeiro, following a presidential decree to tackle crime. One of the most eloquent voices against that intervention had been […]

The New York Times March 21, 2018 by Vanessa Barbara Contributing Op-ed Writer Leer en Español SÃO PAULO, Brazil — It goes like this: The government announces another increase in the bus fare, so a few Brazilians take to the streets, march for a couple of miles, and then the police decide they’ve had enough. […]